Inverness Campus

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Qui eligendi placeat quos dignissimos sit et non. Suscipit exercitationem aliquid quam. Quibusdam architecto aut. Qui aut nemo. Et qui asperiores ab nostrum qui. Dolorem excepturi veritatis ut. Nobis quibusdam et sed voluptate qui. Aliquam asperiores animi. Ut et consequatur quae repellat quo beatae. Molestias architecto ab. Esse et incidunt nesciunt vitae qui temporibus. Tenetur minima consequuntur eveniet. Quia voluptatem expedita non facere debitis dolorem iste. Expedita minima illo numquam et dignissimos dolor. Quae suscipit commodi. Exercitationem in eos unde modi non consequatur. Nam tenetur eum nihil pariatur qui non. Vel incidunt odio quia aperiam esse velit est. In id possimus et unde corporis quos.

Masterplan / Arts + Heritage
New Jedediahbury
Years Active:
20XX – 20XX
Award One
Award Two
Caption Title

The Garscube Link has been christened ‘The Phoenix Flowers’, a reference to the former Phoenix Park which once occupied the site before the construction of the motorway.

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A Highland Gathering Place

e masterplan places a linear park at its heart, in itself a piece of Highland landscape, with directional views to Ben Wyvis in the distance. Buildings are arrayed around its perimeter, giving containment and an ordering structure for a diverse range of occupiers.

All in the Detail

7N were involved in the design at all scales, right down to the immediacy of the things that you touch and interact with, to ensure that there was a consistency in the design thinking, from the big strategic moves, to the detail of a balustrade.
